2022/11 Sydney:14 Going to the beach in the morning: Sasa-deli's Blog > 이용후기

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2022/11 Sydney:14 Going to the beach in the morning: Sasa-deli's Blog

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작성자 ulCdzb
댓글 0건 조회 9회 작성일 24-10-27 15:19


11/18 (Fri) 06:45

It's the morning of my last day in Sydney.

I hadn't decided what to do today, but the weather is good, so I'll go to a different rock pool than on the second day.


・Bread/leftovers except for lunch

I ate it all. Thanks to this, I have a good bowel movement every day.

・Leftovers of kale and spinach soup

・Leftovers of hummus


I didn't want to bother cutting it, so I just picked it up with a spoon on the plate and ate it.

I finally got to make my favorite coffee with the espresso machine in the room, but it's time to say goodbye to this room.


I checked out of the hotel.

I had my suitcase and backpack stored at the front desk.

There's a street of food stalls on the usually quiet street in front of the station!

It might be bustling when I pick up my luggage.

I take the 160X line from Stand A, a bus stop that has become familiar to me.

According to the bus app, I will ride to the last stop, Dee Why, without getting off along the way.


I arrived at the last stop of 160X, Dee Why B-line, Pittwater Rd.

This bus does not make the bus itself low-floor, but when it arrives at the bus stop, it uses the suspension (exhaust suspension?) to lower the left side of the body to accommodate strollers and wheelchair users.

When wheelchair users board or disembark, there is a folding ramp at the front entrance, which the driver easily unfolds.

The bus stop here at Dee Why is a large bus stop that serves as a transfer point for various buses.

The information about the next bus is also very easy to understand.

The transfer bus has arrived.

It's a double decker! ヽ(^o^)丿

"I love buses and I'm talking about ○○" so I hurriedly got on the second floor.

There was a passenger sitting in the front row (the one on the left looked like a real passenger), so I sat in the second row.

Feels good~♪

The B-line bus I took connects Wynyard (sounds like Weedoo) in central Sydney to the famous beaches on the east coast.

This bus is unusual in that it even has stop information and arrival times Σ(゚Д゚)

We arrived at Collaroy in about 5 minutes from Dee Why.

It skips all the small bus stops in between and only stops in front of the beach.

The sun is strong, but the air is somehow cool...

By the way, it's 12°C this morning.

This impressive building is called a beach club on Google Maps, but what is it?

It looks like a casino.

We arrived at Collaroy Beach.

Hmmmm... It's colder than I thought, the wind is stronger, and the waves are higher.

I can't swim here.

The square enclosure you can see in the background is our destination, Collaroy Rock Pool.

Oh no, no one's swimming there.

It's hard to see in the photo, but the waves are crashing into the rock pool.

The conditions are tough.

I took a seat on a bench in the shade and tried to check in online for my return flight, even though I'd come all the way here.

I tried last night with JAL and Qantas, but as expected, I couldn't because the ticket was issued by Expedia.

I tried again to see if I could check in from JAL for a domestic flight, but I still couldn't check in.

Hmmmm... I guess I'll just have to get to the airport early.

I feel like nothing will change even if I go (if anything, it will be more difficult to kill time).

The wind is getting stronger and it's getting colder, so I give up on swimming and have an early lunch.

・Leftover all-star sandwich

(bread, hummus, lettuce, kale & spinach mix, ham)

The sandwich goes with the hotel's water, or rather cooled boiled water.

It's a shame I can't drink beer with such clear skies and beautiful scenery, but drinking alcohol in public places is prohibited, and there were a lot of students on the beach doing what looked like field trips, so I tried not to look suspicious or like a bad foreigner.

Anyway, I didn't bring a book, so it would be a waste of time to linger here until the afternoon.

A great chance to do what I've left undone!

Next time: Walk XX


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