“It doesn’t want poverty to be visible to the people who come here.” > 이용후기

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“It doesn’t want poverty to be visible to the people who come here.”

페이지 정보

작성자 jhrthrrtrt 작성일 23-09-15 09:37 조회 2,785 댓글 0


But activists have questioned the timing, claiming instead that the demolitions are part of a인천출장마사지 “beautification” project – a campaign to rid the city of its beggars and slums – to impress foreign dignitaries.

The image of India that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to project at the G20 is one of a modern superpower,나비출장마사지 a leader of the Global South, and a voice for impoverished nations. But the government has been accused of hiding one of the country’s own most entrenched and enduring problems.

“What strikes me most is that India, the Indian state, is ashamed of ostensible poverty,” said Harsh Mander,광역시출장마사지 a social activist who works with homeless families and street children. “It doesn’t want poverty to be visible to the people who come here.”

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