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작성자 Michaelwrich 작성일 24-05-15 23:54 조회 20 댓글 0


As Mike Johnson tries to pass billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, he’s having to put his own job on the line
<a href=>blacksprut</a>
Johnson moving ahead with Ukraine aid bill despite pressure from hardliners
US Senate kills articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
Ex-Trump attorney asked if he thinks Trump should testify. Hear reply 1:29
Analysis Some House Republicans need this reminder that Russia is not their friend
Viewers called in with Trump trial questions. Maggie Haberman answered 1:50
If Trump testifies at NY criminal trial, prosecutors want to use his past legal run-ins to discredit him to jury
Fact check: Donald Trump attacks Jimmy Kimmel for something Al Pacino did

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