Hidden Auto Rate ◇Aric II and Hate Iruna > 이용후기

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Hidden Auto Rate ◇Aric II and Hate Iruna

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작성자 ulsmoK 작성일 24-10-22 07:37 조회 7 댓글 0


It's been a while since I wrote an article (´•ᴗ•;ก)

I've written an article about snipers before, but this time I'm playing as a sniper and I couldn't find a good answer even after researching, so I thought I'd write it here.

This is just a brief explanation, so if you don't understand the details of the skill or the calculations, please refer to the comments or articles by previous users (*・ω・)*_ _)

① Calculation of auto rate

In order to have stable firepower when fighting with Hidden Arrow, you need to set the double attack activation rate to 100%.

The disadvantage of not activating double attack is that DPS will decrease and recoil damage will be received.

To avoid these, it is recommended to set the double attack activation rate to 100%.

As for the calculation, the activation rate of a sniper's double attack increases by 1% for every CRT8.

When calculating the auto rate of CRT and each equipment crystal, the example below is easy and easy to align.

Truncate decimals

STR473 (current max)÷2=236← When equipped with Wandering


709+▲Earth Gold 5+Guild Link 3+Job Vo 10=727

727÷8= + 90%

▲Haruno + 5%

▲Sauro III + 3%

☆Auto 5.4.3 + 12%

Base activation rate + 10%

Total 120%

The reason why it is set to 120% is because Fairy Wind has a -20% auto activation rate. With that in mind, it is necessary to increase it by +120%.

②Sniper hate management

Snipers will get an insane amount of hate when they activate double attack + follow up with hidden.

In terms of single shot power, there is no composition that can beat attribute equipment + attribute crystals, but various factors such as the wall's abnormal resistance and defeat speed reduce the number of shots the sniper can take, and by inserting cut arrows, the overall DPS drops significantly.

So here is what I would like to recommend↓

I will write this assuming that the additional equipment is double slotted, but if you insert two of these, you can reduce hate by -50%. By adding gentleness 5.4 to this for hate -77%, you can hit most bosses without inserting cut arrows.

If you only use gentleness for hate -27% to -50%, you will need to insert cut arrows several times depending on the boss, but while doing this, the DPS will be almost the same as if you had inserted attribute crystals.

In addition to that, you will have to use vaccines ( ¯q¯ )

Also, by inserting this into attribute equipment, you can ensure a certain amount of high firepower, so depending on the boss, you can speed up or not change the defeat speed.

*When the wall is managing their hate properly

I'll post a picture just in case (*・ω・)

First, here is Shumuk ◇ Totras ◇ Totras I assumed about two Sauro 450s, and inserted four cut arrows at appropriate points.

And here is Shumuk ◇ Aric II ◇ Aric II

The time is faster with this one, but it's just a margin of error for clean hits, so you can think of it as "almost the same" (*・ω・)*_ _)

*⤴︎︎Both are not dizzy

High firepower is certainly attractive, but I thought that a sniper that can be said to be strong overall even with decent firepower would be more attractive than a hate monster sniper in consecutive battles, so I have prepared ◇ Aric II stab with all attribute equipment.

There's still Valentine's Day left, so if you don't have it yet, please get it now ( 'ω')!! (Sorry for posting this right before the event ends ┏●)

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