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Online game gatherings where you can generate profits

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작성자 TomCruise 작성일 23-12-05 12:23 조회 591 댓글 0


The Gangwon Land Social Contribution Foundation held
a "1940 Youth Restaurant" cooking contest and held an
award ceremony on the 5th to revitalize the abandoned mine area.
The "1940 Youth Restaurant" cooking competition, which was the first of its kind this year, was
organized to attract tourists through local representative foods developed by
MZ chefs as part of the "Jeong Tae-young Sam Taste Cada" project,
which the foundation is implementing to strengthen the self-sustainability of small business owners.
Park Yoon-jin and Park Ji-hye (Jeong-sun), who made "Gondre Pork Cutlet,"
won the first prize. They submitted a rokkatsu menu with gondre greens, an agricultural
product in Jeongseon, and received good reviews from the judges for their taste and marketability.
The second place was Jeon Yoon-soo (Samcheok), who reinterpreted
Hitsumabushi, an eel rice bowl in Nagoya, Japan, and presented "Charcoal Grilled Eel Rice" tailored to the taste of Koreans.
In third place, Jeong Young-hoon (Yeongwol), who submitted risotto with katsu on the Cheongyang
cream base, and Son Yong-ha (Jeong-sun), who made crispy
green bean pancakes to catch young tastes, won the prize.
The foundation will pay 3 million won for the first prize, 2 million won for the second prize,
and 1 million won for the two third-place teams as per prize. In addition,
20 million won will be provided to two teams that won the first and second prizes for restaurant environment improvement.
A Gangwon Land official who spoke to this paper by phone said, "We expect that the unique menu
developed by young chefs in abandoned mines will lead to the influx
of tourists such as the MZ generation, which will contribute to revitalizing the local economy."
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